Social Media Playbook

Following you will find a list I have gathered that I think will help in our current “social situation”. These are tactics I have found to be true firsthand (actual “experiments” conducted myself/data collected from other projects) or information fed to us by leaders in the field. I include these as ideas for things that we can do to give Matt a boost. I will start by first identifying key categories or “Channels” for social media. By approaching each of these we hope to gain affinity. Following that I have created a “TOP TEN LIST” of steps that I think we can take to create growth.

Channels for Social Media Based Opportunity

Social Networking
Photo Sharing
Virtual Worlds
Productivity Apps

Social Media Playbook. 10 steps in social media – Identify, Invent, Invest

Succeeding in social media is all about the right content in the right place, at the right time, with the right focus to the right people. This means that social media managers need to be artists, joke writers, administrators, analytics experts, and more. all at once. These ten steps can make it easier to manage.

1. Identify the audience
First, take a look through the group of people you really want to reach. In all honesty, you can’t reach everybody. Remember that you can be sort of liked by large groups or passionately loved by smaller ones. And the passionate lovers will be the ones who really connect with you and care. Put together a profile of 2 or 3 users that you most want to talk to. Base them on real people and name them. This helps you filter content you post moving forward.

example: Will Harmany (an active MLG fan who has attended events and responded to social action calls) like this?

2. Identify the opportunities
Once you have an idea who the people are to whom you are speaking, take a look through the makeup of the various social sites to find out where your social sites should be. Don’t rely just on where you BELIEVE your audience to be, but do some actual market research into penetration numbers. The most important thing is that the audience you identified is there.

Make a list of the social sites you will service.

3. Identify your resources
What do you have at your disposal to work with. Do you have albums for giveaways? Do you have a fan club to help? Do you have gift items that can be used to entice interest? Do you have access to a news source, to a series of free downloads? To sound files, video files, etc.

Make a list of all the resources we have have.

4. Identify your times and days
Each platform has times and days that are highest engagement. Each audience also does. Are they in work? in school? working with the engagement times of the sites and the people help us find good times to post.

Put a calendar together of times to post.

5. Invent your story
Your story includes your own personality and where you come from. If you are supporting an artist, know about that artist, what does he like, what does he care about. writing up the story makes sure you don’t forget it. Put together a long profile of the principal and find the things he/she loves. Remember, well rounded people don’t just love one thing. Is the principal a musician? He can also love science fiction, star wars, women’s rights, animals, and gadgets. If the social platform is just about talking about him and his music the entire time, people will get tired of it.

6. Invent your franchises
Now that you know what the principal loves and cares about, develop your franchises. If the principal loves women’s rights, music, animals, gadgets, and sci-fi, maybe the franchises look like this.

Monday: Women on top: post great moments in feminist history
Tuesday: Studio Insider: a new rough mix from the studio, video, story, etc.
Wednesday: Animal therapy: a cool story about animals to help make the middle of the week better
Thursday: Want!: a great gadget that you really want
Friday: Song Story: The story behind one of his songs or one that he loves
Saturday: My favorite moment in sci fi: a clip from a sci fi movie that you love.

You can post images, video, text, but mix it up. Make sure to post many of them in question form, trying to build conversation. A franchise list like this makes the principal sound like a real person who is really interesting. And it lets people who love sci-fi, for example, to love him.

Brainstorm a list of franchises.

7. Invent your routine
Now that you have franchises, a model for how to respond, and the best times and places to talk, put together a schedule, week by week, that works, You can use this as a template to record how well each franchise and time is doing, for later evaluation.

8. Invest in the conversation
It’s important to keep on responding when people do, turn the conversation around, engage, incite. Many people will respond for the chance to interact and they shovel get that. Remember that each response creates a higher edgerank, ensuring that people may see you in the future.

9. Invest in the respondents
This is where you have the chance to bring to reward respondents. Dole out the things you have identified as reources, ask them about relevant things, tag them when possible, when talking about the things they love, too. Keep an ongoing record of common respondents and brainstorm ways to reward them. Keep a list of the things they care about, who they are, etc. Promote THEM when they need it.

10. Invest in other media
When possible take your content and move it toward other media. A piece of content that lives in more than one media is one that i shared well Franchises can be syndicated if people love them. As long as they are clearly labeled as coming from YOU, you will win. Make a list of other media that support content like yours.

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